Friday, December 9, 2016

EDT5410 – Final Synthesis Project

Design Document:
1.     Target audience:
My target audience is my group of science students, who (next year) will range in age from 6th grade (middle school) through 12th grade.  I plan to do a blog, which has announcements, homework, related useful articles, reminders, stories, videos, and discussions among students. Also, it is targeted to the parents’ students as communication tools which tell them more about their kids and the content of course, such activities, important events, resources, due dates, and content being covered, assignments, and calendar of class.
2.     Context:
This educational project is for private school, which called The Alkifah School that located in my hometown Saudi Arabia. This school decided to integrate using technology with education for the first time to develop students’ using technology and motivate them to learn with enthusiasm. Notice, the students attended a course which describes in detailed how to use computers, social media programs, and Google services in the classrooms. I am excited to apply my knowledge that I learned through this class for my students.
3.     Learning objectives:
In the end of the semester, the students will:
1)    Have improved students’ writing skills because they will post weekly in the blog of the science classroom.
2)    Have ownership of their learning by doing their assignments on time and be ready for the exams and did not forget the due day or exams’ day.
3)    Be more engaged with their classmates and teacher.
4)    Have value information from other scientific resources instead reading the only textbook.
5)    Be active collaborators with each other and work like one team.
6)    Responsible for their own learning.
7)    Effective participant in the learning process.
8)    Have positive and enthusiasm feelings in the classroom environment instead of stress and difficulty.
9)    Parents observed all students’ activities and know everything related about science classroom.
4.     Detailed Description of lesson/intervention:
My blog involves several online tools, which develop students’ understanding of scientific topics and invite them to be more participant in the learning environment. First, I will use a podcast online tool, which is to share scientific ideas, tell stories, create newscasts, or hold debates. Actually, I can use a podcast for many things, however, I will post a scientific podcast then ask students to write comments and engage them to reply to each other. Second, I will use a tutorial (educational video) by Jing website to teach students how they can create an account for Google Drive, which they will work on it for their final project. Third, I will use a Google map to clarify the location of a farm that we will visit it as educational trip during the semester. Fourth, I will use a concept map for a lesson, which helps students to memorize information before the exam.
5.     Justification:
I believe that Blog is a great educational tool for various reasons. First, current generation loves using technology particularly social media programs which blog considers as a communication tool for the students, parents, and teacher. I notice that students love seeing their work on the Internet and adore getting comments from people. It motivates them to write as it gives them an audience that is real.  The blog opens up a whole new world of people who can offer encouragement and feedback. Further, the blogging experience forces the students to do more reflection on their learning and allows them to showcase products they have produced with online tools. Second, the blog is a good choice for 6th-grade students because it is unofficial like a website. The Blog is easy to use, free, and has the ability to post different media such as video, image, and map. Third, the blog provides for students a space of freedom because they have a chance to post anything they want, reply to the teacher or ask her in anytime. That is a great advantage because the teacher will be closer for students by checking the blog constantly, update the content, and answer students’ questions. Fourth, the blog makes students more responsible particular students in this age they need to be an independent person (can decide, state opinion, and suggest activity). Fifth, blog has a great advantage, which organizes the posts serially based on the date of publishing, which make students know where they are, what they were done, and reminds them what they have in next classes. Also, blog stores students’ work forever instead of lost it after finishing the semester. By using the blog, we work as a teacher to develop a learning network. Exercise books need not be pushed and crumpled in school lockers only to be placed in the rubbish bins at the end of the school year, but students' works are out there for their school lives. The most important feature of blog is safety and non-adjustable by anyone (it can editing by just the owner who is the teacher, in contrast, wiki has less security to change the content.
6.     Artifact:
I created a blog for my students by using a Blogger site, which is a tool that makes it easy to instantly publish weblogs or blogs. The blog is a simple web page, I made up for short, informal, and frequently updated posts. Blogger helps me to make it easy for me as a teacher to create post text and pictures, and start generating feedback in minutes.

Week 14 Reflection

According to Chapter 31, Networks, Web 2.0, and the Connected Learner of “Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology” by Reiser and Dempsey whom focus on the Web 2.0 applications and how we can use those tools to exemplifies some of the concepts or characteristics. In this paper, I will reflect upon the Web 2.0 tools that we played with them over the semester, discuss two of my favorite applications, why they are my favorites and note how they exemplify some of the concepts or characteristics detailed in this week's reading.
I believe that the most useful application that I played with it is creating a video and image as a screencast and hotscreen by Jing. I think this website will save my time in career future because I can use it with my students to explain sequences steps in short and clear video. So, the students can learn by watching the instructor move through the steps enables them to take note of where everything is in the application or presentation. For that free website, Jing offers the capability to explain in detail what may be more confusing when delivered in audio or the written word. Video allows the screencast producer to complete the flow of thoughts or processes without being forced to chop or forget some steps into static images. With the combination of video and audio, the application can mimic the one on one experience of the classroom, deliver clear, and complete instruction.
Another Web application that I fell in love it is Google Drive is that it is an online file cabinet where you can store documents and other digital files. Also, it provides similar services of Microsoft Office Applications and more. I believe that Google Drive is the best choice to collaborate with students for several reasons. First, it is a free application. Second, it saves the work automatically. Third and the most important reason is allowing for multiple users to work on the same document, insert comments in the margins, or just let others take a peek at what they are working on. This means students cannot only work together with their own classmates, but they could also collaborate with students across the world.
So, how do these two tools exemplify Web 2.0, as defined by the reading this week? One of the affordances described within the chapter by Reiser and Dempsey (2007), is the networking, collaborative, connectivity provided through Web 2.0 tools. Google Docs exemplifies this collaborative, networked, connected environment. As I said above the Google drive contributes with effective cooperate in the educational environment.

For the screencasting tool, I believe it provides students with an opportunity to learn from professionals and experienced faculty members on various subjects. Moreover, students can get the information easily, which saves their time instead of spending lots time on YouTube or reading some explanations. Screencasting is a good source of information and it can easily be published and shared that make them effective tools for tutoring video.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Week 13 Reflection

According to chapter 29 of “Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology” by Reiser and Dempsey focus on the important aspects of e-learning experiences being a future means for acquiring knowledge and on-hand approach to further learning. In that paper, I will state two critical points that made by the authors who speak to my experiences as an online learner or that speaks to ideas I have about how I would teach in an online environment and describe my thoughts related to them.
The first point that attracts my attention in this chapter is the authors' opinion about focusing should not be on the technology alone; which the authors mention “efforts must always center on efficiently achieving learning outcomes, arranging creative and robust design, working in the development and production teams and administrating workable learning support systems”. Although that technology should not be seen as an end rather an effective means, but it is still an important part to achieve the online learning goals or outcomes. However, I believe that should be a balance between full immersion in technology knowledge and re-purposing technology for the sake of the discipline to be studied or taught by means of the technology-based environment. I agree with the authors that educators should focus on defining clear methods to get the desired result, design appropriate environment for learners, and encourage learners to increase their production. Based on personal experience, I think that online learning has numbers of advantages for both students and instructors. For students, they can take online courses and even complete entire degrees while working, while in-between jobs, or while taking the time to raise a family. Second, even employees who want to complete a degree program, it doesn’t mean that they want to leave their current job and learning online. Third, disability students whom the most of the people need this technology because they have difficulties with commuting to a campus. So, the disabilities students can always “attend” by participating on discussion boards or in chat sessions, turn in their work on time, and watch lectures or read materials by online learning. Fifth, some students do not have enough cost of face-to-face learning, so the eLearning is the best solution for them. Let’s talk about the positive aspect for instructors, teaching online offers instructors more options for engaging in instructional activities because they can teach anywhere they have access to the Internet. Some examples include teaching from home or while traveling to a conference. The benefit for teachers is increasing the efficiency of educators in some rote tasks. Some tools in online teaching automate processes and save instructors time such as saving the time of taking quizzes and grading.

The another point that I interested in is OLAT (Online Learning and Training) is a useful Open Source LMS tool that supports online teaching and learning in the field of education. Both these tools are readily available and with a little bit of knowledge can be a value-add to educational institutions imparting Instructional Design techniques.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Week 11 Reflection

According to chapter 22 of “Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology” by Reiser and Dempsey mention several helpful experiences of becoming an active member of the IDT field. Through reading this chapter, I found it very interesting for me in particular lessons that I feel it relevant to my current or short-term future needs. So, in this paper, I will state three lessons that appropriate for my situation and I will describe some steps I can take for each that will help me develop myself professionally.
First of all, the most important lesson for me is lesson fifteen which is when preparing for a job interview, find out as much you can about your potential employers. I like that experience because I faced something similar of that situation. I applied for studying a master degree in my hometown in Biology and I prepared for the interview with five of the faculty of Biology department by reading more information about Biology major. However, the surprise is they asked me about something very far away from biology. I remembered the questions were very wide, general, and not objective. So, I conclude the interview of a job or opportunity to get a scholarship is very critical and requires preparation by knowing more about the member of the interview. I learn from that lesson that I have to spend a few hours learning everything I can about the employer—from as many sources as I can such website, articles, talking to friends and contacts, read current news releases, and, spend some time on Google. Often, I notice that candidates just look at the information an employer is pushing out via the website and social media, but fail to look more in depth at what others are saying. By doing so, I will get the larger picture about the employer and obtain that job easily.
The other lessons that I interested in are the lesson seventeen: let your professors know you are looking for a job and eighteen which demonstrates your professors that you do good work. I like those couple of lessons and I agree with authors they are very important and play a significant role in getting a job. Let me tell you about my friend who had a scholarship from our government to study a bachelor and master degree and he was ambitious to upgrade the scholarship and complete studying to get a Ph.D. degree but he could not do that for some reasons. However, he did not give up and he told his professors that he need an opportunity for a job or assistance for professors and he got it. So, I learn that lesson that whether I know someone who has my dream job or someone who works at my favorite employer, I will ask my professor to put me in contact with anyone I know who would be helpful to my job. Once my professor provides me with a contact, I will make sure to set up a meeting with that person as soon as I can.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Google Apps

 Here is my Google Slide

For Google Apps assignment, I create simple powerpoint slides for my students about a cell. I find this app as an alternative to Microsoft Office application. Also, it is very helpful and easy to use and edit by more one of a person by sharing a link to a document. It is a great method for communication for group work because I faced many times working with students by email which is an impractical way. So, the ability to easily share and simultaneously edit a Google Drive document is the biggest strength. Moreover, the fact that everyone will always be on the same version of Slides, and that all the collaborators will have a consistent experience while editing and commenting, is a huge positive for Google’s apps.

Photo Editing


For this assignment, I used FotoFlexer as an editor for pictures. It was very easy to use and I like it for several reasons. First, it saves my time because I can work on it online instead of download adobe photoshop on my computer. Second, it is free and that is a great advantage that can anybody use it. Third, it has many options which provide for me more creativity. In fact, I added this website for my favorite because I will use it future such as the example which I show you above. That is an image of a plant cell; I hide the names of components of the cell and ask students to write them in an exam.