Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 5 Reflection

According to “Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology” by Reiser and Dempsey who review the history of instructional media and the history of instructional design. I conclude from this chapter that is the effective use of media for instructional purposes requires a careful instructional planning which has a significant impact on the instruction process.
If I assume that I was assigned as one of the evaluators for the project that is providing teachers and students with 24/7 access to laptops, curriculum materials, and wireless Internet service throughout the year. As a result, I assume the innovation had very little effect on the manner in which instruction was presented in the teachers' classrooms. The administration asks me to examine how this innovation and change the way instruction was presented in the classrooms of the four teachers who were involved in the project.
There are two essential reasons for the project described above had very little effect on the instructional practices employed by the teachers. The first reason fails the project due to lacking the preparation for both teachers and students. I believe that teachers should attend an intensive program or internship that includes a proper approach to use Internet capabilities and how to teach that information to students. In my opinion, using technology surprisingly is tricky and hard for teachers to understand, need more time to get acclimated on using it, and implement without synthesis of use of the technology. Moreover, students too need to an orientation about this project, which offers a simple introduction to technology, features of using the Internet, and how to use those benefits to improve their progress.
The second reason of why the integration did not have a great effect is due to a shortage of the communication between instructors and students. Once this communication process is lacking, the atmosphere of necessary interactive teaching and learning will be missing too, and thereby the eventual results would not be in line with the expected outcomes. I believe that instructors should provide a space for cooperation among them, which could help students to be familiar with using the Internet and engaged in learning.
On the other hand, there are two strategies that could have been employed to help mitigate the factors that I think contributed to the minimal effect this project had on instructional practices. The first strategy is creating a good plan that contains guidelines for students and teachers, a professional development program for teachers before applying the project and using a gradual development from easy to difficult for students.
The second strategy that I think it will contribute success the project is to design an interactive environment that ensures participation all students and keeping them interested and excited to work harder to get the desired result. Nowadays, I think the social media programs are the most likable and familiar way between young students to engaged them to learn.

In conclusion, the Internet is a great feasible way of achieving the results in this changing environment by implementing simple strategies. I support totally that the Internet contributes to examples of improved performance in the classroom and on the job site in order to the features that offers them for an audience.

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