Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 4 Reflection

According to “Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology” by Reiser and Dempsey who try to represent the natural progression of using technology for learning purposes over the years. They mention several definitions of educational technology, which describe the changes that happened in understanding, analyzing, and development the term of education technology.
Actually, before reading this chapter, I thought that educational or instructional technology is limited by only using technology in the classroom such as computers, videos, CD-ROMS, overhead and slide projectors and other types of hardware and software. However, after reading this chapter, I discovered these are only instructional media, which was significant information for me.
Moreover, I was surprised by the definitions that being presented in the book. The definitions were much broader and complicated than I imagined. The definition of educational or instructional technology has changed many times over years and that there still is not a clear and precise definition of education or instruction technology. Also, the goal of using the technology in the education field changed many times among facilitating learning, improving performance, and motivating students. As well, I was surprised to learn that even in the 1920s there was a field that would later be defined as instructional design and technology. The first terms I heard expressed that involved technologies used in just the field were audio/visual technologies.
I believe that modification that happened in the educational technology field is normal because the technology is developing every day, so, of course, the definitions also change.
In future, I hope to create a class web page to connect students on one page such as wiki or blog. I believe those websites are a great way to integrate technology in the classroom and develop student knowledge. It encourages students to talk together and being more effective in their performances. Also, that will help me much in publishing some illustrative pictures or video, post announcements and publish their grades.
Further, I will provide an opportunity for students in the class to submit their work in class online. Too, I will give them a chance for ten minutes in class search about a topic that related to a lesson. Then, I will ask them to summarized information and stating what they learned. So, search skill is useful for students to carry a responsibility and control of their learning. 
Another method that I hope to apply it is including a fun or entertainment space by using technology. I think students feel bored of writing, reading, or watching something. So, I will ask a help from some educational technology experts to assist me in creating games or competitions that engage students to be more active.
Apparently, it is not an easy task to decide if the authors missed something because I am a science education student and this course is elective, I think I am not fully aware of the concepts highlighted by all definitions to determine if the information missed something or not.

Although chapter one was filled with historic information, but it provides me with fundamental information that helps me to formulate overview about educational technology.

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