Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 4 Reflection

According to “Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology” by Reiser and Dempsey who try to represent the natural progression of using technology for learning purposes over the years. They mention several definitions of educational technology, which describe the changes that happened in understanding, analyzing, and development the term of education technology.
Actually, before reading this chapter, I thought that educational or instructional technology is limited by only using technology in the classroom such as computers, videos, CD-ROMS, overhead and slide projectors and other types of hardware and software. However, after reading this chapter, I discovered these are only instructional media, which was significant information for me.
Moreover, I was surprised by the definitions that being presented in the book. The definitions were much broader and complicated than I imagined. The definition of educational or instructional technology has changed many times over years and that there still is not a clear and precise definition of education or instruction technology. Also, the goal of using the technology in the education field changed many times among facilitating learning, improving performance, and motivating students. As well, I was surprised to learn that even in the 1920s there was a field that would later be defined as instructional design and technology. The first terms I heard expressed that involved technologies used in just the field were audio/visual technologies.
I believe that modification that happened in the educational technology field is normal because the technology is developing every day, so, of course, the definitions also change.
In future, I hope to create a class web page to connect students on one page such as wiki or blog. I believe those websites are a great way to integrate technology in the classroom and develop student knowledge. It encourages students to talk together and being more effective in their performances. Also, that will help me much in publishing some illustrative pictures or video, post announcements and publish their grades.
Further, I will provide an opportunity for students in the class to submit their work in class online. Too, I will give them a chance for ten minutes in class search about a topic that related to a lesson. Then, I will ask them to summarized information and stating what they learned. So, search skill is useful for students to carry a responsibility and control of their learning. 
Another method that I hope to apply it is including a fun or entertainment space by using technology. I think students feel bored of writing, reading, or watching something. So, I will ask a help from some educational technology experts to assist me in creating games or competitions that engage students to be more active.
Apparently, it is not an easy task to decide if the authors missed something because I am a science education student and this course is elective, I think I am not fully aware of the concepts highlighted by all definitions to determine if the information missed something or not.

Although chapter one was filled with historic information, but it provides me with fundamental information that helps me to formulate overview about educational technology.

Google Maps

This is a location of Mövenpick Beach Resort Al Khobar.


This is my best place to spend relaxation time with my family.

Static Images

This is an image for my hometown in Saudi Arabia 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week 3 Reflection

My first impressions of using a blog, Socrative/Poll Everywhere, and setting up a Wiki in the last week is really interesting to three major factors. Creating a blog was an enjoyable experience because I was familiar with famous bloggers; however, I did not think before this assignment creating a blog in order I thought it is a complex issue. But I found it as a useful tool to publish anything you want whether diary, articles, or own experiences. Second, Socrative website surprised me because it is a new for me and I like the advanced technology that saves the time of teacher and creating a new method to take quizzes by connecting learning to technology. Although, I had some problems during setting up a quiz, but it was easy to use it later. Third, setting up a Wiki in the last week was a great experience because I learned something new and I am excited to apply it in future.
According to the two readings for this week, actually, both of them gave me clear perspectives on how we can integrate teaching with using technology and let me think about the strengths of online tools that help a teacher in the education field.
After reading Dale’s “Cone of Experience”, I conclude that Blogs and wiki could be placed at “Contrived Experiences” stage of the cone for two causes. First, I believe those technologies will learn students how to use the technology and the concept or idea of a lesson. As the author mention, “the Cone may help (us) to choose the instructional materials that are most appropriate for the particular topic (we wish to teach)”. I support that totally because I learned the little differences in the education can change major things in the learning process. To be more clearly, I mean that blog can use into several categories depending on how I used it. For instance, if a video is posted to a blog, it can represent the dramatized experience, visual demonstrations, educational TV, and motion pictures. If pictures are attached, it can represent still pictures and visual symbols. As a result, moving from stage to another in Cone of Experience creates changing in tools, methods, and result.
Moreover, when students use those websites and interact with them that might be placed in the phase of “Direct Purposeful Experience” resources, in order to the students make an interaction with other students and their teacher. Also, that will create a connection through other media with other students to widen their educational environment.
Further, the second reading “Falling Asleep at Your Keyboard: The Case for Computer Imagination” by Siegel who describes a concept he coined called “computer imagination”. The author attracts my attention to advantages of using technology in the education. Also, I conclude the students can play an essential role in their learning by control their own learning through interaction with each other or with the program, device, or app.

Likewise, there are several ways that I could use these technologies within the classroom that is related with Siegel’s ideas of computer imagination. For instance, in the assignment for this week, I learned about using Socrative which I will apply it in the future by creating short quizzes for students to take them online which give me instant results. Of course, it is a great tool for using as formative assessments and I am able to immediately which illustrates the progress of students. Also, Socrative supports me by a report about grades of students in charts. I like it because it saves time and effort of the teacher. Also, students will motivate for their quizzes and homework in order development the way of working to a contemporary lifestyle.


I will teach students in fifth-grade groups of nutrition lesson.
I will apply a collective formative assessment at the end of class that students will be able to identify the three food groups, the function and sources of nutrition in each of the three food groups.

NOTICE: I will give the students various types of food such as milk, fruit, and bread. Then I will ask them to answer the three question based on the group of nutrition they have.

Here is link that will take you to my page in  Socrative

The name of my Socrative Room: BOJULAIA

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 2 Reflection

What are your early impressions of using a blog and what was your experience using a wiki this week? Any surprises, pleasant or otherwise?
Actually, that was the first time I used different of technology-based tools such as blog and wiki.
Sometimes, I followed some famous bloggers, but I did not expect I will own a simple blog by that ease. Really, it was easier than I think. That assignment makes me think about making a special blog publish diary with my little daughter.
On the other hand, a wiki is a great idea to gather information from various writers. However, I do not like to use it because of its lack of credibility of its information.But, I can not deny that wiki is a great tool to use it in education field because it has many advantages for students and teacher.  For instance, based on the video that our instructor posted it “Wiki in Plain English”, the wiki is a good opportunity to the collaborative workspace which could be created by the educator and gathered, shared, evaluated, and organized or used to produce something new by students. I believe that will motivate students to get involved in a learning process. 
Which part(s) of Dale’s Cone do you think each tool (Blog, Wiki) lends itself best to and why?
I think that Blog and Wiki belong to analyze, define, create, and evaluate parts of Dale’s Cone for obvious reasons. First, by providing an opportunity for students to contribute creating something new that will give them more control over a project’s outcome and encourage them to be producers instead of consumers (read and remember) of information. Second, I believe that blog is an interesting method to link all students in the collaborative environment which create new learning styles instead of a traditional way. Third, by using that technology (wiki and blog) students can create their own blog and publish their writing rather than using a notebook. Also, it gives students a chance to save their writing in a safe place.
Considering Siegel’s concept of “computer imagination”, what do you think would be at least one “imaginative” educational use of each tool (blog, Wiki) that takes advantage of each tool’s inherent strengths? That is, what do you think you and/or your students could use these tools for that they might not be able to do with other more simple or low-tech tools? Or, as Postman might ask, what is a problem to which each of these tools is an answer?
Based on the Siegel’s concept of “computer imagination”, I believe that blog is a great tool to gather homework, assignment, and design some pages instead of using the textbook. I ensure that student will like that method because it is new and they will be excited to work on it. Moreover, the blog can be as a measure for students’ progress beginning of start semester to the final week.  On the other hand, blog assists teacher too because it easy to check and read all the classes blogs.  I believe that Blog is free space for students to innovate and create something special.
I suggest using Wiki based on the Siegel’s concept of “computer imagination” as a tool to gather an enormous number of ideas, beliefs, or comments in a general view as brainstorm before beginning a chapter about some topic or as a collective assessment after taking a lesson.
 However, I think there is a problem that we can not apply that method for kids because they might find some difficulty in accessing the internet or using those technology tools.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 1 Reflection

According to “Beyond technology: the case of technology transformation word” by Reigeluth and “Of Luddites, Learning, and Life” by Postman, I conclude a significant perspective about the impact of technology on our teaching methods which can improve our educational outcomes.
First of all, no one can deny the influence of technology tools that contributed to developing our teachers, students, and our learning environments.
However, there are some people also believe the idea that technology can be a useful and powerful thing, but it also can cause destruction and major problems. So, they do not like to integrate using technology in the education field as Postman’s view.
On the contrary, Reigeluth believes that technology can be a wonderful tool in facilitating learning. And I agree with him for several reasons. First, as I am an international student, I couldn't remember the great things it can technology offered for me whether finding information on the Internet, communicate with advisors or professors and interpretation some misunderstanding.  
Most importantly, based on my experience observing science classroom in WMU last semester with eight different professors. I noticed that all the instructors used many educational technologies such as projectors, computers, and internet-based technologies. Moreover, I observed firsthand how technologies contribute to both instructors and students in the learning environment. For the instructor, technology made instruction easier and provided opportunities to use multi-media approaches to engage students. For students, technology helped them to be more stimulated and are apt to learn when they can interact with hands-on learning tools, which various forms of educational technology provide. I believe that technology motivates students to learn because using technology in the classroom allows students to take greater control of their education tools like tablets and laptops encourage interactive, hands-on learning.
            Although, I agree with Reigeluth's view more that postman’ view, but I will be too careful about using technology in the classroom on future for a critical reason. As Postman said that he has as no hostility towards new technologies but he is not enthusiastic about them because he believes that "technologies are distractions and they divert the intelligence and energy of talented people from addressing the issues we need most to confront”. I believe that our students become users of technology every time and everywhere (whether writing a notice on the cell phone, taking screenshots, sending messages, and using the calculator even in easier numbers). I think that point has a negative effect on students because it makes students lazy and wants everything by a press button. So, that will disrupt intelligent of students and rely primarily on technology instead of their minds. 
            In conclusion, I support using technology but with some limits which can arise by specialists on educational technology with helping administrators and instructors.

‪Reigeluth, C.M, & Joseph, R. (2002). Beyond technology integration: The case for technology transformation. Educational Technology, p. 9-12.
‪Postman, N. (1993). Of luddites, learning, and life. Technos Quarterly